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Image Segmentation

SuperGradients allows users to train models for semantic segmentation tasks. The library includes pre-trained models, such as the Cityscapes PPLiteSeg model, and provides a simple interface for loading custom datasets.

Model zoo

SuperGradients includes a variety of pre-trained models for semantic segmentation tasks.

Model Name Dataset IoU Training Recipe Resolution
DDRNet 23 Cityscapes 80.26 cityscapes_ddrnet.yaml [1024, 2048]
DDRNet 23 Slim Cityscapes 78.01 cityscapes_ddrnet.yaml [1024, 2048]
DDRNet 39 Cityscapes 81.32 cityscapes_ddrnet.yaml [1024, 2048]
STDC1 Seg 50 Cityscapes 75.11 cityscapes_stdc_seg50.yaml [512, 1024]
STDC1 Seg 75 Cityscapes 76.87 cityscapes_stdc_seg75.yaml [768, 1536]
STDC2 Seg 50 Cityscapes 76.44 cityscapes_stdc_seg50.yaml [512, 1024]
STDC2 Seg 75 Cityscapes 78.93 cityscapes_stdc_seg75.yaml [768, 1536]
RegSeg 48 Cityscapes 78.15 cityscapes_regseg48.yaml [1024, 2048]
PP-Lite T 50 Cityscapes 74.92 cityscapes_pplite_seg50.yaml [512, 1024]
PP-Lite T 75 Cityscapes 77.56 cityscapes_pplite_seg75.yaml [512, 1024]
PP-Lite B 50 Cityscapes 76.48 cityscapes_pplite_seg50.yaml [512, 1024]
PP-Lite B 75 Cityscapes 78.52 cityscapes_pplite_seg75.yaml [512, 1024]

Latency and additional details of these models can be found in the SuperGradients Model Zoo.

Loss functions

SuperGradients provides a variety of loss functions for training semantic segmentation tasks. All loss functions are implemented in PyTorch and can be found in the module. The following table summarizes the loss functions currently supported by SuperGradients.

Loss function class Loss name in YAML Description
BCEDiceLoss bce_dice_loss Weighted average of BCE and Dice loss
LabelSmoothingCrossEntropyLoss cross_entropy Cross entropy loss with label smoothing support
DiceLoss N/A Dice loss for multiclass segmentation
BinaryDiceLoss N/A Dice loss for binary segmentation
GeneralizedDiceLoss N/A Generalized dice loss
DiceCEEdgeLoss dice_ce_edge_loss Dice loss + Cross entropy loss + Edge loss
SegKDLoss N/A A loss function for knowledge distillation for semantic segmentation


Metric Class Metric name in YAML Description
PixelAccuracy PixelAccuracy The ratio of correctly classified pixels to the total number of pixels
IoU IoU Calculate the Jaccard index for multilabel tasks.
Dice Dice Calculate the Dice index for multilabel tasks.
Binary IoU BinaryIOU Calculate the Jaccard index for binary segmentation task.
BinaryDice BinaryDice Calculate the Dice index for binary segmentation task.

See Metrics page for additional details of using metrics in SuperGradients.


SuperGradients provides a number of ready to use datasets for semantic segmentation tasks and corresponding data loaders.

Dataset Dataset Class train dataloader val dataloader
COCO CoCoSegmentationDataSet coco_segmentation_train coco_segmentation_val
Cityscapes CityscapesDataset cityscapes_train cityscapes_val
Pascal VOC PascalVOC2012SegmentationDataSet pascal_voc_segmentation_train pascal_voc_segmentation_val
Supervisely SuperviselyPersonDataset supervisely_persons_train supervisely_persons_val
Mapillary Vistas MapillaryDataset mapillary_train mapillary_val

In the next section we will demonstrate how to use these datasets and dataloaders to train a segmentation model using SuperGradients.

How to train a segmentation model using Super Gradients

In the tutorial provided, we demonstrate how to fine-tune PPLiteSeg on a subset of the Supervisely dataset. You can run the following code in our google collab.

Load a dataset

In this example we will work with supervisely-persons. If it's the first time you are using this dataset, or if you want to use another dataset please check out dataset setup instructions

from import dataloaders

root_dir = '/path/to/supervisely_dataset_dir'

train_loader = dataloaders.supervisely_persons_train(dataset_params={"root_dir": root_dir}, dataloader_params={})
valid_loader = dataloaders.supervisely_persons_val(dataset_params={"root_dir": root_dir}, dataloader_params={})


Let's visualize what we've got there.

We have images and labels, with the default batch size of 256 for training.

from PIL import Image
from torchvision.utils import draw_segmentation_masks
from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor, ToPILImage, Resize
import numpy as np
import torch

def plot_seg_data(img_path: str, target_path: str):
  image = (ToTensor()('RGB')) * 255).type(torch.uint8)
  target = torch.from_numpy(np.array(
  image = draw_segmentation_masks(image, target, colors="red", alpha=0.4)
  image = Resize(size=200)(image)

for i in range(4, 7):
  img_path, target_path = train_loader.dataset.samples_targets_tuples_list[i]
  plot_seg_data(img_path, target_path)

Load the model from modelzoo

Create a PPLiteSeg nn.Module, with 1 class segmentation head classifier. For simplicity use_aux_head is set as False and extra Auxiliary heads aren't used for training.

from import models
from super_gradients.common.object_names import Models

# The model is a torch.nn.module 
model = models.get(
    model_name=Models.PP_LITE_T_SEG75,      # You can use any model listed in the Models.<Name>
    arch_params={"use_aux_heads": False},
    num_classes=1,                          # Change this if you work on another dataset with more classes
    pretrained_weights="cityscapes"         # Drop this line to train from scratch

Setup training parameters

The training parameters includes loss, metrics, learning rates and much more. You can check out the default training parameters. For this task, we will train for 30 epoch, using Binary IoU using the SGD optimizer.

from import BinaryIOU

train_params = {
    "max_epochs": 30,
    "lr_mode": "CosineLRScheduler",
    "initial_lr": 0.005,
    "lr_warmup_epochs": 5,
    "multiply_head_lr": 10,
    "optimizer": "SGD",
    "loss": "BCEDiceLoss",
    "ema": True,
    "zero_weight_decay_on_bias_and_bn": True,
    "average_best_models": True,
    "metric_to_watch": "target_IOU",
    "greater_metric_to_watch_is_better": True,
    "train_metrics_list": [BinaryIOU()],
    "valid_metrics_list": [BinaryIOU()],
    "loss_logging_items_names": ["loss"],

Launch Training

The Trainer in SuperGradient takes care of the entire training and validation process.

It serves as a convenient and efficient tool to handle all the details of the training process, allowing you to focus on the development of your model.

from super_gradients import Trainer

trainer = Trainer(
    experiment_name="segmentation_example",     # Your experiment checkpoints and logs will be saved in a folder names after the experiment_name.
    ckpt_root_dir='/path/to/experiment/folder'  # Path to the folder where you want to save all of your experiments.

trainer.train(model=model, training_params=training_params, train_loader=train_dataloader, valid_loader=valid_dataloader)

Visualize the results

from torchvision.transforms import Compose, ToTensor, Resize, Normalize, ToPILImage

pre_proccess = Compose([
    Normalize([.485, .456, .406], [.229, .224, .225])

demo_img_path = "/home/data/supervisely-persons/images/ache-adult-depression-expression-41253.png"
img =
# Resize the image and display
img = Resize(size=(480, 320))(img)

# Run pre-proccess - transforms to tensor and apply normalizations.
img_inp = pre_proccess(img).unsqueeze(0).cuda()

# Run inference
mask = model(img_inp)

# Run post-proccess - apply sigmoid to output probabilities, then apply hard
# threshold of 0.5 for binary mask prediction. 
mask = torch.sigmoid(mask).gt(0.5).squeeze()
mask = ToPILImage()(mask.float())

Going further


If you encounter any issues, please check out our troubleshooting guide.

How to launch on multiple GPUs (DDP) ?

Please check out our tutorial on how to use multiple GPUs'

How to train models with limited GPU memory?

In case you have a GPU with limited memory, you can use the gradients accumulation technique to "fake" larger batch sizes. This is not 100% equivalent to training with larger batch sizes, but it is a good approximation. You can set the desired number of batches to accumulate by changing the training_hyperparams.batch_accumulate parameter.