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Using Pretrained Models for Predictions

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to use the model.predict() method for object detection tasks.

The model used in this tutorial is YOLO-NAS, pre-trained on the COCO dataset, which contains 80 object categories.

Warning: If you trained your model on a dataset that does not inherit from any of the SuperGradients dataset, you will need to follow some additional steps before running the model. You can find these steps in the following tutorial.

Note that the model.predict() method is currently only available for detection tasks.

Supported Media Formats

A mode.predict() method is built to handle multiple data formats and types. Here is the full list of what predict() method can handle:

Argument Semantics Argument Type Supported layout Example Notes
Path to local image str - predict("path/to/image.jpg") All common image extensions are supported.
Path to images directory str - predict("path/to/images/directory")
Path to local video str - predict("path/to/video.mp4") All common video extensions are supported.
URL to remote image str - predict("")
3-dimensional Numpy image np.ndarray [H, W, C] predict(np.zeros((480, 640, 3), dtype=np.uint8)) Channels last, RGB channel order for 3-channel images
4-dimensional Numpy image np.ndarray [N, H, W, C] or [N, C, H, W] predict(np.zeros((480, 640, 3), dtype=np.uint8)) Tensor layout (NHWC or NCHW) is inferred w.r.t to number of input channels of underlying model
List of 3-dimensional numpy arrays List[np.ndarray] [H1, W1, C], [H2, W2, C], ... predict([np.zeros((480, 640, 3), dtype=np.uint8), np.zeros((384, 512, 3), dtype=np.uint8) ]) Images may vary in size, but should have same number of channels
3-dimensional Torch Tensor torch.Tensor [H, W, C] or [C, H, W] predict(torch.zeros((480, 640, 3), dtype=torch.uint8)) Tensor layout (HWC or CHW) is inferred w.r.t to number of input channels of underlying model
4-dimensional Torch Tensor torch.Tensor [N, H, W, C] or [N, C, H, W] predict(torch.zeros((4, 480, 640, 3), dtype=torch.uint8)) Tensor layout (NHWC or NCHW) is inferred w.r.t to number of input channels of underlying model

Important note - When using batched input (4-dimensional np.ndarray or torch.Tensor) formats, normalization and size preprocessing will be applied to these inputs. This means that the input tensors should not be normalized beforehand. Here is the example of incorrect code of using model.predict():

# Incorrect code example. Do not use it.
from import dataloaders 
from super_gradients.common.object_names import Models
from import models

val_loader = dataloaders.get("coco2017_val_yolo_nas")

model = models.get(Models.YOLO_NAS_L, pretrained_weights="coco")

for (inputs, *_) in val_loader:  # Error here: inputs as already normalized by dataset class
    model.predict(inputs).show() # This will not work as expected

Since model.predict() encapsulates normalization and size preprocessing, it is not designed to handle pre-normalized images as input. Please keep this in mind when using model.predict() with batched inputs.

Detect Objects in Multiple Images

Load the Model and Prepare the Images

First, let's load the pre-trained Yolo-NAS model using the models.get() function and define a list of image paths or URLs that we want to process:

from super_gradients.common.object_names import Models
from import models

model = models.get(Models.YOLO_NAS_L, pretrained_weights="coco")

Detect Objects in the Images

The model.predict() method returns an ImagesDetectionPrediction object, which contains the detection results for each image.


images_predictions = model.predict(IMAGES)
You can use the default IoU and Confidence threshold or override them like this:

images_predictions = model.predict(IMAGES, iou=0.5, conf=0.7)
- iou: IoU threshold for the non-maximum suppression (NMS) algorithm. If None, the default value associated with the model used. - conf: Confidence threshold. Predictions below this threshold are discarded. If None, the default value associated with the model used.

Display the Detected Objects

To display the detected objects and their bounding boxes on the images, call

You can customize the following optional parameters:, show_confidence=True)
- box_thickness: Thickness of bounding boxes. - show_confidence: Whether to show confidence scores on the image. - color_mapping: List of tuples representing the colors for each class. - class_names: List of class names to display. Only classes that the model was trained on are supported. By default, show all these classes.

Save the Images with Detected Objects

To save the images with detected objects as separate files, call the method and specify the output folder."output_folder/")

You can also customize the same parameters as in the method:"output_folder/", box_thickness=2, show_confidence=True)

Access Detection Results

To access the detection results for each image, you can iterate over the images_predictions object. For each detected object, you can retrieve various attributes such as the label ID, label name, confidence score, and bounding box coordinates. These attributes can be used for further processing or analysis.

for image_prediction in images_predictions:
    class_names = image_prediction.class_names
    labels = image_prediction.prediction.labels
    confidence = image_prediction.prediction.confidence
    bboxes = image_prediction.prediction.bboxes_xyxy

    for i, (label, conf, bbox) in enumerate(zip(labels, confidence, bboxes)):
        print("prediction: ", i)
        print("label_id: ", label)
        print("label_name: ", class_names[int(label)])
        print("confidence: ", conf)
        print("bbox: ", bbox)
        print("--" * 10)

        # You can use the detection results for various tasks, such as:
        # - Filtering objects based on confidence scores or labels
        # - Analyzing object distributions within the images
        # - Calculating object dimensions or areas
        # - Implementing custom visualization techniques
        # - ...
You can use these detection results to implement any feature not implemented by SuperGradients to fit your specific needs.

You can also directly access a specific image prediction by referencing its index. images_predictions[1] will give you the prediction of the second image.

Detect Objects in Animated GIFs and Videos

The processing for both gif and videos is similar, as they are treated as videos internally. You can use the same model.predict() method as before, but pass the path to a GIF or video file instead. The results can be saved as either a .gif or .mp4.

Load an Animated GIF or Video File

Let's load an animated GIF or a video file and pass it to the model.predict() method:

MEDIA_PATH = "path/to/animated_gif_or_video.gif_or_mp4"
media_predictions = model.predict(MEDIA_PATH)

Display the Detected Objects

To display the detected objects and their bounding boxes in the animated GIF or video, call

Save the Results with Detected Objects

To save the results with detected objects as a separate file, call the method, and simply specify the desired output extension in the output name: .gif or .mp4

Save as a .gif"output_video.gif") # Save as .gif

Save as a .mp4"output_video.mp4") # Save as .mp4

Frames Per Second (FPS)

The number of Frames Per Second (FPS) at which the model processes the gif/video can be seen directly next to the loading bar when running model.predict('my_video.mp4').

In the following example, the FPS is 39.49it/s (i.e. fps) Predicting Video: 100%|███████████████████████| 306/306 [00:07<00:00, 39.49it/s]

Note that the video/gif will be saved with original FPS (i.e. media_predictions.fps).

Access Frame-by-Frame Detection Results for GIFs and Videos

Iterating over the media_predictions object allows you to access the detection results for each frame. This provides an opportunity to perform frame-specific operations, like applying custom filters or visualizations.

for frame_index, frame_prediction in enumerate(media_predictions):
    labels = frame_prediction.prediction.labels
    confidence = frame_prediction.prediction.confidence
    bboxes = frame_prediction.prediction.bboxes_xyxy

    # You can do any frame-specific operations
    # ...

    # Example: Save individual frames with detected objects
    frame_name = f"output/frame_{frame_index}.jpg" # save frame as an image

Detect Objects Using a Webcam

Call the model.predict_webcam() method to start detecting objects using your webcam:


The detected objects and their bounding boxes will be displayed on the webcam feed in real-time. Press 'q' to quit the webcam feed. Note that model.predict_webcam() and model.predict() share the same parameters.

Frames Per Second (FPS)

In the case of a Webcam, contrary to when processing a video by batch, the number of Frames Per Seconds (FPS) directly affects the display FPS since we show each frame right after it is processed.

You can find this information directly written in a corner of the video.

Using GPU for Object Detection

If your system has a GPU available, you can use it for faster object detection by moving the model to the GPU:

model ="cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

This allows the model to run on the GPU, significantly speeding up the object detection process. Note that using a GPU requires having the necessary drivers and compatible hardware installed.