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Basic Skills

In this tutorial, we will go over all of the basic functionalities of SuperGradients very briefly. Go over the following sections to learn how to train, test and predict using SuperGradients. Check out our extended tutorials on the various features you can find in SuperGradients, and task-specific guides.

1. Train a Model 0. Imports:
from super_gradients.common.object_names import Models
from import Trainer, models
from import Accuracy, Top5
from import cifar10_train, cifar10_val
from import setup_device
1. Call `init_trainer()` to initialize the super_gradients environment. This should be the first thing to be called by any code running super_gradients:
2. Call setup_device() according to your available hardware and needs. For example, if you want the training to be performed entirely on the CPU:
In case multiple GPUs are available, it is also possible to specify the number of GPUs to launch multi-gpu DDP training:
It is also possible to launch the training with whatever available hardware there is (i.e., if there are 4 GPUs available, we will launch a DDP test with four processes) by passing `num_gpus=-1`:
3. Instantiate a Trainer object:
trainer = Trainer(experiment_name="my_cifar_experiment", ckpt_root_dir="/path/to/checkpoints_directory/")
4. Instantiate a model:
model = models.get(Models.RESNET18, num_classes=10)
5. Define metrics and other training parameters:
training_params = {
    "max_epochs": 20,
    "initial_lr": 0.1,
    "loss": "LabelSmoothingCrossEntropyLoss",
    "train_metrics_list": [Accuracy(), Top5()],
    "valid_metrics_list": [Accuracy(), Top5()],
    "metric_to_watch": "Accuracy",
    "greater_metric_to_watch_is_better": True,
6. Instantiate PyTorch data loaders for training and validation:
train_loader = cifar10_train()
valid_loader = cifar10_val()
7. Launch training:
trainer.train(model=model, training_params=training_params, train_loader=train_loader, valid_loader=valid_loader)
2. Test a Model 0. Imports:
from super_gradients.common.object_names import Models
from import Trainer, models
from import Accuracy, Top5
from import cifar10_val
from import setup_device
1. Call `init_trainer()` to initialize the super_gradients environment. This should be the first thing to be called by any code running super_gradients:
2. Call setup_device() according to your available hardware and needs. For example, if you want the test to be performed entirely on the CPU:
In case multiple GPUs are available, it is also possible to specify the number of GPUs to launch a multi-gpu DDP test:
It is also possible to launch the test with whatever available hardware there is (i.e., if there are 4 GPUs available, we will launch a DDP test with four processes) by passing `num_gpus=-1`:
3. Instantiate a Trainer object:
trainer = Trainer(experiment_name="test_my_cifar_experiment", ckpt_root_dir="/path/to/checkpoints_directory/")
4. Instantiate a model and load weights to it. Learn more about the different options for loading model weights from our checkpoints tutorial:
model = models.get(Models.RESNET18, num_classes=10, checkpoint_path="/path/to/checkpoints_directory/my_cifar_experiment/ckpt_best.pth")
5. Define metrics for test:
test_metrics = [Accuracy(), Top5()]
6. Instantiate a PyTorch data loader for testing:
test_data_loader = cifar10_val()
7. Launch test:
test_results = trainer.test(model=model, test_loader=test_data_loader, test_metrics_list=test_metrics)
print(f"Test results: Accuracy: {test_results['Accuracy']}, Top5: {test_results['Top5']}")
3. Use Pre-trained Models 0. Imports:
from super_gradients.common.object_names import Models
from import models
from import Accuracy, Top5
from import cifar10_train, cifar10_val
from super_gradients import Trainer, init_trainer
1. Call `init_trainer()` to initialize the super_gradients environment. This should be the first thing to be called by any code running super_gradients:
2. Call setup_device() according to your available hardware and needs. For example, if you want the finetuning/test to be performed entirely on the CPU:
In case multiple GPUs are available, it is also possible to specify the number of GPUs to launch multi-gpu DDP finetuning/test:
It is also possible to launch the finetuning/test with whatever available hardware there is (i.e., if there are 4 GPUs available, a DDP finetuning/test with four processes will be launched) by passing `num_gpus=-1`:
3. Instantiate a pre-trained model from SG's model zoo:
model = models.get(Models.RESNET18, num_classes=10, pretrained_weights="imagenet")
Or use your local weights to instantiate a pre-trained model:
model = models.get(Models.RESNET18, num_classes=10, checkpoint_path="/path/to/imagenet_checkpoint.pth", checkpoint_num_classes=1000)
Finetune or test your pre-trained model as done in the previous sections.
4. Predict 0. Imports:
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import requests
from import models
from super_gradients.common.object_names import Models
import torchvision.transforms as T
import torch
from import setup_device
1. Call `init_trainer()` to initialize the super_gradients environment. This should be the first thing to be called by any code running super_gradients:
2. Call setup_device() according to your available hardware and needs:
3. Instantiate a model, load weights to it, and put it in `eval` mode:
# Load the best model that we trained
best_model = models.get(Models.RESNET18, num_classes=10, checkpoint_path="/path/to/checkpoints_directory/my_cifar_experiment/ckpt_best.pth")
4. Create input data and preprocess it:
url = ""
image = np.array(, stream=True).raw))

transforms = T.Compose([
    T.Normalize(mean=(0.4914, 0.4822, 0.4465), std=(0.2023, 0.1994, 0.2010)),
    T.Resize((32, 32))
input_tensor = transforms(image).unsqueeze(0).to(next(best_model.parameters()).device)
5. Predict and visualize results:
predictions = best_model(input_tensor)

classes = train_dataloader.dataset.classes
5. Train using SG's Training Recipes 0. Setup: - Clone the SG repo:
git clone
- Move to the root of the cloned project (where you find "requirements.txt" and "") and install super-gradients:
pip install -e .
- Append super-gradients to the python path (Replace "YOUR-LOCAL-PATH" with the path to the downloaded repo) to avoid conflicts with any installed version of SG:
1. Launch one of SG's training recipes. For example, Resnet18 on Cifar10:
python -m super_gradients.train_from_recipe --config-name=cifar10_resnet experiment_name=my_resnet18_cifar10_experiment
Learn more in detail on how to launch, customize, and evaluate training recipes from our training with configuration files tutorial.