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Configuration Files and Recipes

SuperGradients supports YAML formatted configuration files. These files can contain training hyper-parameters, architecture parameters, datasets parameters and any other parameters required by the training process.

These parameters will be consumed as dictionaries or as function arguments by different parts of SuperGradients.

These YAML files act like a cookbook for training models, which is why they are called Recipes.

SuperGradients was designed to expose as many parameters as possible to allow outside configuration without writing a single line of code. You can control the learning-rate, the weight-decay or even the loss function and metric used in the training, but moreover, you can even control which block-type or activation function to use in your model. You can learn about and define all of these parameters from the configuration files.

Here is an example YAML file (training hyper-parameters in this case):

  - default_train_params

max_epochs: 250

  _target_: numpy.arange
  start: 100
  stop: 250
  step: 50

lr_decay_factor: 0.1
lr_mode: step
lr_warmup_epochs: 0
initial_lr: 0.1
loss: LabelSmoothingCrossEntropyLoss
optimizer: SGD
criterion_params: {}

  weight_decay: 1e-4
  momentum: 0.9

NOTE: You can use SuperGradients without using any configuration files, look into the examples directory to see how.

Why using configuration files

Using configuration file might seem too complicated or redundant at first. But, after a short training, you will find it extremely convenient and useful.

Configuration file can help you manage your assets, such as datasets, models and training recipes. Keeping your code files as clean of parameters as possible, allows you to have all of your configuration in one place and reuse the same code to define different objects. In the following example, we define a training set and a validation set of Imagenet. both use the same piece of code with different configurations:

  root: /data/Imagenet/train
    - RandomResizedCropAndInterpolation:
        size: 224
        interpolation: default
    - RandomHorizontalFlip
    - ToTensor
    - Normalize:
        mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] # mean for normalization
        std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]  # std  for normalization

  root: /data/Imagenet/val
    - Resize:
        size: 256
    - CenterCrop:
        size: 224
    - ToTensor
    - Normalize:
        mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] # mean for normalization
        std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]  # std  for normalization

Configuration file can also help you track the exact settings used for each one of your experiments, tweak and tune these settings, and share them with others. Concentrating all of these configuration parameters in one place, gives you great visibility and control of your experiments.

How to use configuration files

So, if you got so far, we have probably manged to convince you that configuration files are awsome and powerful tools - welcome aboard!

YAML is a human-readable data-serialization language. It is commonly used for configuration files and in applications where data is being stored or transmitted (Wikipedia). We parse each file into dictionaries, lists, and objects, and pass them to the code either as a recursive dictionary or as function arguments.

Let's try running a training session from a configuration file.

python -m super_gradients.train_from_recipe --config-name=cifar10_resnet
You can stop the training after a few cycles.

The recipe you have just used is a configuration file containing everything SG needs to know in order to train Resnet18 on Cifar10. The actual YAML file is located in src/super_gradients/recipes/cifar10_resnet.yaml. In the same recipes library you can find many more configuration files defining different models, datasets, and training hyper-parameters.


Hydra is an open-source Python framework that provides us with many useful functionalities for YAML management. You can learn about Hydra here. We use Hydra to load YAML files and convert them into dictionaries, while instantiating the objects referenced in the YAML. You can see this in the code:

import hydra
from omegaconf import DictConfig

@hydra.main(config_path="recipes", version_base="1.2")
def main(cfg: DictConfig) -> None:

The @hydra.main decorator is looking for YAML files in the according to the name of the configuration file provided in the first arg of the command line.

In the experiment directory a .hydra subdirectory will be created. The configuration files related to this run will be saved by hydra to that subdirectory.

Two Hydra features worth mentioning are Command-Line Overrides and YAML Composition. We strongly recommend you to have a look at both of these pages.


This brief introduction has given you a glimpse into the functionality and importance of recipes within SuperGradients: - Recipes Overview: Configuration files in YAML format that allow streamlined training and customization. - SuperGradients' Utilization: Enhancing reproducibility, flexibility, and efficiency in defining models, datasets, and hyperparameters. - Introduction to training: A simple demonstration of initiating a training session using a specific recipe.

Next Step: More details await in the upcoming tutorials, where we'll explore more in-depth training from recipes, and the customization, structure, and deeper functionality of recipes within SuperGradients.