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To interact with the Infery server, you can create a client using Infery or using Triton client. The client supports both HTTP and gRPC protocols and allows you to connect to the server using different options as described below:


Before creating the client, make sure you have the required dependencies installed. You can install them using infery install

infery install --client grpc
infery install --client http


The Client class allows you to create a client for the Infery server. You can initialize the client using the one of the following formats:

  • 'protocol://host:port'
  • 'host:port'
  • Or, by defining the following arguments:
  • protocol (str, "grpc" or "http")
  • host (str)
  • port (int)


Here's an example of how to use the Client class:

from infery.remote.client.client import Client

# Example 1: Creating a default client with HTTP protocol, host, and port 8000.
client1 = Client()

# Example 2: Creating a client with HTTP protocol, host, and port 8484.
client2 = Client(address='')

# Example 3: Creating a client with gRPC protocol, host, and port 9001.
client3 = Client(address='grpc://')

# Example 4: Creating a client with HTTP protocol, host, and port 8484.
client4 = Client(address='')

# Example 5: Creating a client with gRPC protocol, host 127.0.0,1, and port 9000.
client5 = Client(protocol="grpc", host="", port=9000)