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Feature Description

Features Description

This page focuses on the description of features.

If you are interested in using these features, there is a tutorial specifically about Features Configuration.

List of Features

Image Features

1. Color Distribution

Here's a comparison of RGB or grayscale intensity intensity (0-255) distributions across the entire dataset, assuming RGB channel ordering. It can reveal discrepancies in the image characteristics between the two datasets, as well as potential flaws in the augmentation process. E.g., a notable difference in the mean value of a specific color between the two datasets may indicate an issue with the augmentation process.

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2. Image Duplicates

Shows how may duplicate images you have in your dataset: - How many images in your training set are duplicate. - How many images in your validation set are duplicate. - How many images are in both your validation and training set.

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3. Image Brightness Distribution

This graph shows the distribution of the brightness levels across all images. This may for instance uncover differences between the training and validation sets, such as the presence of exclusively daytime images in the training set and nighttime images in the validation set.

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4. Image Width and Height Distribution

These histograms depict the distributions of image height and width. It's important to note that if certain images have been rescaled or padded, the histograms will represent the size after these operations.

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Object Detection Features

1. Distribution of Bounding Box Area

This graph shows the frequency of each class's appearance in the dataset. This can highlight distribution gap in object size between the training and validation splits, which can harm the model's performance. Another thing to keep in mind is that having too many very small objects may indicate that your are downsizing your original image to a low resolution that is not appropriate for your objects.

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2. Intersection of Bounding Boxes

The distribution of the box Intersection over Union (IoU) with respect to other boxes in the sample. The heatmap shows the percentage of boxes that overlap with IoU in range [0..T] for each class. Intersection of all boxes is considered (Regardless of classes of corresponding bboxes).

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3. Distribution of Bounding Box per image

These graphs shows how many bounding boxes appear in images. This can typically be valuable to know when you observe a very high number of bounding boxes per image, as some models include a parameter to filter the top k results.

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4. Distribution of Bounding Box Width and Height

These heat maps illustrate the distribution of bounding box width and height per class. Large variations in object size can affect the model's ability to accurately recognize objects.

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5. Class Frequency

Frequency of appearance of each class. This may highlight class distribution gap between training and validation splits. For instance, if one of the class only appears in the validation set, you know in advance that your model won't be able to learn to predict that class.

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6. Bounding Box Density

The heatmap represents areas of high object density within the images, providing insights into the spatial distribution of objects. By examining the heatmap, you can quickly detect whether objects are predominantly concentrated in specific regions or if they are evenly distributed throughout the scene. This information can serve as a heuristic to assess if the objects are positioned appropriately within the expected areas of interest.
Note that images are resized to a square of the same dimension, which can affect the aspect ratio of objects. This is done to focus on localization of objects in the scene (e.g. top-right, center, ...) independently of the original image sizes.

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7. Distribution of Class Frequency per Image

This graph shows how many times each class appears in an image. It highlights whether each class has a constant number of appearances per image, or whether there is variability in the number of appearances from image to image.

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8. Distribution of Bounding Boxes smaller than a given Threshold

This visualization demonstrates the consequences of rescaling images on the visibility of their bounding boxes.
By showcasing how bounding box sizes are affected upon varying the image resizing dimensions, we address a critical question: "How far can we resize an image without causing its bounding boxes to shrink beyond a certain size, especially to less than 1px?".
Since an object, when scaled down to less than 1px, essentially disappears from the image, this analysis serves as a guide in identifying the optimal resizing limits that prevent crucial object data loss.
Understanding this is crucial, as inappropriate resizing can result in significant object detail loss, thereby adversely affecting the performance of your model.

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9. Visualization of Samples

The sample visualization feature provides a visual representation of images and labels. This visualization aids in understanding of the composition of the dataset.

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Segmentation Features

1. Distribution of Object Area

This graph shows the frequency of each class's appearance in the dataset. This can highlight distribution gap in object size between the training and validation splits, which can harm the model's performance. Another thing to keep in mind is that having too many very small objects may indicate that your are downsizing your original image to a low resolution that is not appropriate for your objects.

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2. Distribution of Object Width and Height

These heat maps illustrate the distribution of objects width and height per class. Large variations in object size can affect the model's ability to accurately recognize objects.

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3. Class Frequency

This bar plot represents the frequency of appearance of each class. This may highlight class distribution gap between training and validation splits. For instance, if one of the class only appears in the validation set, you know in advance that your model won't be able to learn to predict that class.

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4. Objects Density

The heatmap represents areas of high object density within the images, providing insights into the spatial distribution of objects. By examining the heatmap, you can quickly detect whether objects are predominantly concentrated in specific regions or if they are evenly distributed throughout the scene. This information can serve as a heuristic to assess if the objects are positioned appropriately within the expected areas of interest.
Note that images are resized to a square of the same dimension, which can affect the aspect ratio of objects. This is done to focus on localization of objects in the scene (e.g. top-right, center, ...) independently of the original image sizes.

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5. Distribution of Class Frequency per Image

This graph shows how many times each class appears in an image. It highlights whether each class has a constant number of appearances per image, or whether there is variability in the number of appearances from image to image.

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6. Object Convexity

This graph depicts the convexity distribution of objects in both training and validation sets. Higher convexity values suggest complex structures that may pose challenges for accurate segmentation.

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7. Object Stability to Erosion

Assessment of object stability under morphological opening - erosion followed by dilation. When a lot of components are small then the number of components decrease which means we might have noise in our annotations (i.e 'sprinkles').

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8. Distribution of Objects per Image

These graphs shows how many different objects appear in images. This can typically be valuable to know when you observe a very high number of objects per image, as some models include a parameter to filter the top k results.

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9. Visualization of Samples

The sample visualization feature provides a visual representation of images and labels. This visualization aids in understanding of the composition of the dataset.

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