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YOLO-NAS Quickstart

Deci’s leveraged its proprietary Neural Architecture Search engine (AutoNAC) to generate YOLO-NAS - a new object detection architecture that delivers the world’s best accuracy-latency performance.

The YOLO-SG model incorporates quantization-aware RepVGG blocks to ensure compatibility with post-training quantization, making it very flexible and usable for different hardware configurations.

In this tutorial, we will go over the basic functionality of the YOLO-NAS model.

Instantiate a YOLO-NAS Model

from import models
from super_gradients.common.object_names import Models

net = models.get(Models.YOLO_NAS_S, pretrained_weights="coco")


prediction = net.predict("")

Export to ONNX

models.convert_to_onnx(model=net, input_shape=(3,640,640), out_path="yolo_nas_s.onnx")

Train on RF100

Follow the setup instructions for RF100:

        - Follow the official instructions to download Roboflow100:
            //!\\ To use this dataset, you must download the "coco" format, NOT the yolov5.

        - Your dataset should look like this:
            ├── 4-fold-defect
            │      ├─ train
            │      │    ├─ 000000000001.jpg
            │      │    ├─ ...
            │      │    └─ _annotations.coco.json
            │      ├─ valid
            │      │    └─ ...
            │      └─ test
            │           └─ ...
            ├── abdomen-mri
            │      └─ ...
            └── ...

        - Install CoCo API:
We will use the roboflow_yolo_nas_sconfiguration to train the small variant of our YOLO-NAS, YOLO-NAS-S.

To launch training on one of the RF100 datasets, we pass it through the dataset_name argument:

python -m super_gradients.train_from_recipe --config-name=roboflow_yolo_nas_s  dataset_name=<DATASET_NAME> dataset_params.data_dir=<PATH_TO_RF100_ROOT> ckpt_root_dir=<YOUR_CHECKPOINTS_ROOT_DIRECTORY>

Replace with any of the RF100 datasets that you wish to train on.

Creating a model for a non-RGB image

You can create a model taking arbitrary number of channels by passing the number of channels to the arch_params argument. Important thing to keep in mind that in this case you cannot use the available pretrained weights and have to provde num_classes parameter explicitly.

model = models.get(Models.YOLO_NAS_S, arch_params=dict(in_channels=2), num_classes=15)