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Third-party Experiment Monitoring

SuperGradients supports out-of-the-box Weights & Biases (wandb) and ClearML. You can also inherit from our base class to integrate any monitoring tool with minimal code change.


requirements: None

Tensorboard is natively integrated into the training and validation steps. You can find how to use it in this section.


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  • Install dagshub and mlflow
  • You can set up DagsHub according to the official documentation, or you'll be guided interactively to sign in when you run the code with the logger
  • Adapt your code like in the following example
from super_gradients import Trainer

trainer = Trainer("experiment_name")
model = ...

training_params = {
    ...                               # Your training params
    "sg_logger": "dagshub_sg_logger", # DagsHub Logger, see class super_gradients.common.sg_loggers.dagshub_sg_logger.DagsHubSGLogger for details
    "sg_logger_params":               # Params that will be passes to __init__ of the logger super_gradients.common.sg_loggers.dagshub_sg_logger.DagsHubSGLogger
        "dagshub_repository": "<REPO_OWNER>/<REPO_NAME>", # Optional: Your DagsHub project name, consisting of the owner name, followed by '/', and the repo name. If this is left empty, you'll be prompted in your run to fill it in manually.
        "log_mlflow_only": False, # Optional: Change to true to bypass logging to DVC, and log all artifacts only to MLflow
        "save_checkpoints_remote": True,
        "save_tensorboard_remote": True,
        "save_logs_remote": True,

trainer.train(model=model, training_params=training_params, ...)

Weights & Biases


  • Install wandb
  • Set up wandb according to the official documentation
  • Make sure to login (You can check if you have a ~/.netrc token)
  • Adapt your code like in the following example
from super_gradients import Trainer

trainer = Trainer("experiment_name")
model = ...

training_params = {
    ...                             # Your training params
    "sg_logger": "wandb_sg_logger", # Weights&Biases Logger, see class super_gradients.common.sg_loggers.wandb_sg_logger.WandBSGLogger for details
    "sg_logger_params":             # Params that will be passes to __init__ of the logger super_gradients.common.sg_loggers.wandb_sg_logger.WandBSGLogger
        "project_name": "project_name", # W&B project name
        "save_checkpoints_remote": True,
        "save_tensorboard_remote": True,
        "save_logs_remote": True,
        "entity": "<YOUR-ENTITY-NAME>",         # username or team name where you're sending runs
        "api_server": "<OPTIONAL-WANDB-URL>"    # Optional: In case your experiment tracking is not hosted at wandb servers

trainer.train(model=model, training_params=training_params, ...)



  • Install clearml
  • Set up CleaML according to the official documentation
  • Adapt your code like in the following example
from super_gradients import Trainer

trainer = Trainer("experiment_name")
model = ...

training_params = {
    ...                                 # Your training params
    "sg_logger": "clearml_sg_logger",   # ClearML Logger, see class super_gradients.common.sg_loggers.wandb_sg_logger.ClearMLSGLogger for details
    "sg_logger_params":                 # Params that will be passes to __init__ of the logger super_gradients.common.sg_loggers.wandb_sg_logger.ClearMLSGLogger 
        "project_name": "project_name", # ClearML project name
        "save_checkpoints_remote": True,
        "save_tensorboard_remote": True,
        "save_logs_remote": True,

trainer.train(model=model, training_params=training_params, ...)

Integrate any other Monitoring tool

If your favorite monitoring tool is not supported by SuperGradients, you can simply implement a class inheriting from BaseSGLogger that you will then pass to the training parameters.

import numpy as np
import torch
from PIL import Image
from typing import Union

from super_gradients.common.sg_loggers.base_sg_logger import BaseSGLogger
from super_gradients.common.environment.ddp_utils import multi_process_safe
from import TrainingParams
from super_gradients.common.registry.registry import register_sg_logger

class CustomSGLogger(BaseSGLogger):

    # You can add more arguments, but these are mandatory 
    def __init__(
        project_name: str,
        experiment_name: str,
        storage_location: str,
        resumed: bool,
        training_params: TrainingParams,
        checkpoints_dir_path: str,
        tb_files_user_prompt: bool = False,
        launch_tensorboard: bool = False,
        tensorboard_port: int = None,
        save_checkpoints_remote: bool = True,
        save_tensorboard_remote: bool = True,
        save_logs_remote: bool = True,
        monitor_system: bool = True,
        self.my_client = ... # instantiate your monitoring tool client

    def add_scalar(self, tag: str, scalar_value: float, global_step: int = 0):
        super(CustomSGLogger, self).add_scalar(tag=tag, scalar_value=scalar_value, global_step=global_step)

        self.my_client.write_metric(...) # Upload a scalar to your monitoring server

    def add_image(self, tag: str, image: Union[torch.Tensor, np.array, Image.Image], data_format="CHW", global_step: int = None):
        self.my_client.add_image(tag=tag, img_tensor=image, dataformats=data_format, global_step=global_step)

You can overwrite any method from BaseSGLogger to customize it to your need. Then, you can pass it to your training_params exactly like WandB and ClearML.

from super_gradients import Trainer

trainer = Trainer("experiment_name")
model = ...

training_params = {
    ...,                                                    # Your training params
    "sg_logger": "CustomSGLogger",                          # Your custom CustomSGLogger
    "sg_logger_params": {"project_name": "my_project_name"} # Params that will be passed to __init__ of your CustomSGLogger  

trainer.train(model=model, training_params=training_params, ...)


  • @multi_process_safe prevents multiple training nodes to do the same action. Check out DDP documentation for more details
  • @register_logger() registers your class into our factory, allowing it to be instantiated from a string.
  • sg_logger_params only requires project_name, the rest is provided by the Trainer.

Uploading custom objects with a callback

Callbacks are the way to go when it comes to inserting small pieces of code into the training/validation loop of SuperGradients. For more information, please check out our tutorial on how to use callbacks in SuperGradients

Here is a short example of how sg_logger can be used in callbacks:

from import PhaseContext, Callback

def do_something(inputs, target, preds):

class DetectionVisualizationCallback2(Callback):
    """Save a custom metric to tensorboard and wandb/clearml"""

    def __init__(self):
        super(Callback, self).__init__()

    def on_validation_batch_end(self, context: PhaseContext) -> None:

        # Do something using the PhaseContext
        custom_metric = do_something(context.inputs,, context.preds)

        # Save it to the tensorboard and wandb/clearml

The sg_logger can also be used to upload files, text, images, checkpoints, ...

We encourage you to check out the API documentation of super_gradients.common.sg_loggers.base_sg_logger.BaseSGLogger to see every available method.

Chose your monitoring tool in the recipes

You can update a recipe to use the monitoring tool you want by setting the sg_logger and sg_logger_params in recipes/training_hyperparams.

Here is an example for WandB;

sg_logger: wandb_sg_logger, # Weights&Biases Logger, see class super_gradients.common.sg_loggers.wandb_sg_logger.WandBSGLogger for details
sg_logger_params:             # Params that will be passes to __init__ of the logger super_gradients.common.sg_loggers.wandb_sg_logger.WandBSGLogger
  project_name: project_name, # W&B project name
  save_checkpoints_remote: True,
  save_tensorboard_remote: True,
  save_logs_remote: True,
  entity: <YOUR-ENTITY-NAME>,         # username or team name where you're sending runs
  api_server: <OPTIONAL-WANDB-URL>    # Optional: In case your experiment tracking is not hosted at wandb servers